Type of company: Other Firm
Firm name: “Szr Gravex”
Country: Serbia
Town: Veternik
OWNER INFORMATION. First Name/ Last Name: Branislav Đermanović
Phone: 0638021303
Description of firm:
Szr Gravex is engaged in the production of cast metal accessories. We make unique medals, plaques, badges and key rings by agreement. We offer key chains and dog breed badges in 3D and 2D versions. We also offer unique “beware of the dog” warning signs. All products are author’s work. We currently have 40 species, i.e. dog breeds, and some more quantities are in preparation. The pendants are made of alloy and then electroplated into precious metals and as such are very beautiful and of high quality. Possibility of making other items by agreement. Branislav 063 8021303