Titles and Awards-FCI Dog Shows

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Double entries as well as late entries (after the closing date) are not permitted. Additional international or national shows or competitions organised by clubs from the same FCI-NCO as the club organizing the CACIB show, are permitted within the same showground, when
accepted by the CACIB show organiser.
The decisive date for age is the day the dog is shown. In case the dog’s birthday is on the day it is shown, the exhibitor can choose the class (before closing date) where to enter his dog. In case of consecutive shows held in one place over several days, the exhibitor must enter his
dog in the appropriate class (before closing date).
Only the following classes are recognized at CACIB shows sanctioned by the FCI:
a. Classes in which the CACIB can be awarded:
– Intermediate class (from 15 to 24 months) compulsory
– Open Class (15 months and over) compulsory
– Working Class (15 months and over) compulsory
– Champion Class (15 months and over) compulsory
Working Class
To enter a dog in working class, the entry form must be accompanied by a copy of the FCI
compulsory certificate, WCC (Working Class Certificate), containing the
confirmation by the member country in which the holder and/or owner has his legal residence, that the dog has passed an appropriate test as well as details about this test.
The only breeds eligible for the working class are those appearing as working breeds in the FCI Breed Nomenclature, taking into account the exceptions granted to some countries for some breeds.
Champion Class
To enter a dog in Champion Class, one of the following titles must have been confirmed by the day of the official closing date of entries; proof of this, by copy, must be enclosed with the entry form.
▪ International Beauty Champion of the FCI (CIB)
▪ International Show Champion of the FCI (CIE)
▪ National Beauty Champion of an FCI member country (with at least 2 CAC from that same country)
▪ National Show Champion of an FCI country
▪ National Beauty Champion of a non-FCI country which has signed a letter of understanding with FCI
▪ National Show Champion of a non-FCI country which has signed a letter of understanding with FCI
Once the entries for a show have closed it is not allowed to transfer a dog from one class to another except if an administrative mistake was made by the Show Committee.
b. Classes in which the CACIB cannot be awarded:
– Minor Puppy Class (correctly inoculated puppies up to 6 months) optional
– Puppy Class (from 6 to 9 months) optional
– Junior Class (from 9 to 18 months) compulsory
– Veteran Class (from 8 years and over) compulsory
c. Sequence of judging
The recommended sequence of judging the classes is: Minor Puppy, Puppy, Junior, intermediate, Open, Working, Champion and Veteran.
d. Optional Best of Sex competition
Must include at least the best junior, the CACIB winner and the best veteran. The judge places
the exhibits in order of quality without taking into consideration which classes they come from.
e. Optional Collective Groups/Competitions
To compete in these groups/competitions, the dogs must be entered individually in one of the compulsory classes.
– Brace/Couple Group/Competition: a dog and a bitch of the same breed and variety and belonging to the same owner.
– Breeders Group/Competition: consisting of minimum three and maximum five exhibits of the same breed and variety, no matter what gender, bred by the same person (same kennel name), even if they are not his property.
– Progeny Group/Competition: a sire or dam with minimum three and maximum five of his/her progeny (first generation, sons/daughters).
These optional groups/competitions should preferably be judged in the breed-judging rings.
The breed judge picks up the best group and only that group is allowed to compete in the ring of honour.

The qualifications given by the judges must correspond to the following definitions:
EXCELLENT may only be awarded to a dog which comes very close to the ideal standard of the breed, which is presented in excellent condition, displays a harmonious, well-balanced temperament, is of high class and has excellent posture. Its superior characteristics in respect
of its breed permit that minor imperfections can be ignored; it must however have the typical features of its sex.
VERY GOOD may only be awarded to a dog that possesses the typical features of its breed, which has well-balanced proportions and is in correct condition. A few minor faults may be tolerated. This award can only be granted to a dog that shows class.
GOOD is to be awarded to a dog that possesses the main features of its breed. The good points should outweigh the faults so that the dog can be considered a good representative of its breed.
SUFFICIENT should be awarded to a dog which corresponds adequately to its breed, without possessing the generally accepted characteristics or whose physical condition leaves a lot to be desired.
DISQUALIFIED must be awarded to a dog which does not correspond to the type required by the breed standard; which shows a behaviour clearly not in line with its standard or which behaves aggressively; which has testicular abnormalities; which has a jaw anomaly; which
shows a colour or coat structure that is not according to the breed standard or clearly shows signs of albinism. This qualification shall also be awarded to dogs that correspond so little to a single feature of the breed that their health is threatened. It should furthermore be awarded to dogs that show disqualifying faults in regard to the breed standard. The reason why the dog was rated DISQUALIFIED has to be stated in the judge’s report.
Dogs that cannot be awarded one of the above qualifications shall be released from the ring with the rating:
CANNOT BE JUDGED. This rating is to be given to any dog which does not move, which is lame, which constantly jumps up and down on its handler or tries to get out of the ring, which makes it impossible to assess the gait and the movement or avoids constantly to be examined by the
judge and makes it impossible to inspect teeth, anatomy and structure, tail or testicles. This rating is also to be given if traces of operations or treatment can be observed which seem to indicate that the exhibitor wanted to deceive the judge. The same applies if the judge has
ample reason to suspect operations that were intended to correct the original condition or feature (e.g.: eyelid, ear or tail). This rating is also to be given in case of “double handling” (i.e. attracting the dog’s attention from outside the ring) – which is strictly prohibited. The reason why the dog was rated CANNOT BE JUDGED has to be stated in the judge’s report.
The four best dogs in each class are placed provided that they have been awarded at least the qualification “VERY GOOD”.

CACIB – Certificat d’Aptitude au Championnat International de Beauté de la FCI
The only dogs which can be taken into consideration for the CACIB are those which have been awarded “EXCELLENT 1” in intermediate, open, working and champion class. A CACIB can only be awarded if the dog in question has been assessed as being of superior quality. The CACIB
is not automatically and compulsorily linked to the “EXCELLENT 1”
The Reserve CACIB is awarded to the second best dog which was given the qualification “EXCELLENT” from the above mentioned classes. The dog placed second in the class where the CACIB winner comes from can compete for the Reserve CACIB, if awarded excellent. It is not compulsory to award the Reserve CACIB.
The judge awards CACIB and Reserve CACIB according to the quality of the dogs without checking whether they meet the conditions regarding age and/or registration with a studbook recognized by the FCI.
The CAC (Certificat d’Aptitude au Championnat) is a national grading. It is up to the national kennel clubs to decide in which classes and to which dogs this certificate can be awarded. The CAC counts towards a national champion title.
The first title of National Champion earned in an FCI country must be with at least 2 CACs won at shows organised by the same national canine organisation in the same country on two different days.
Only one judge for each sex and breed carries out the granting of all awards, including CACIB, and this judge shall be appointed in advance.

Best of Breed (BOB) and Best of Opposite Sex (BOS)
The Best junior, CACIB winner and best veteran from both sexes, if awarded excellent, will compete for Best of Breed (BOB). The judge must also choose the best exhibit from the opposite sex (BOS) next to the BOB winner.
Optional (in case an optional Best of Sex competition is held): the best male and the best bitch from Best of Sex competition compete for Best of Breed (BOB) and Best of Opposite Sex (BOS).
Dogs of FCI breeds which are not yet definitively recognized (have a provisional status), although not eligible for the CACIB, are allowed to compete for the Best of Breed, Best in Group and Best in Show competitions. These breeds can also compete for the various FCI titles.
Main ring competitions
Best in Show, Best in Group, Breeders’ Group, Progeny Group, Couple Class (Brace), Best Veteran, Best Junior, Best Puppy, Best Minor Puppy and Junior Handling must be judged by one judge appointed in advance. To make the competitions in the ring of honour more efficient the judge should prejudge the exhibits or groups in a separate ring in due time before
they are expected in the ring of honour so that the judge after watching the dogs enter the main ring can quickly choose the semi-finalists or finalists that will need a closer look. The only judges who may judge these competitions are those who are allowed to do so by their respective national canine organization.
If a dog behaves aggressively in the ring (breed-group-finals) and its behaviour is eyewitnessed by the judge in duty, the latter has to write a report for the attention of the organizing committee and has to disqualify the dog for the rest of the competition. All the awards and titles of the day are cancelled.
The CACIB proposals will be issued by the appropriate judges. The final confirmation will be done by the FCI.
It is up to the FCI Head Office to check whether the dogs proposed comply with the conditions accepted for confirmation of the CACIB.
The cards handed to the exhibitors at the shows duly indicate that the relevant dog has been proposed for a CACIB. They must read: “Subject to confirmation by the FCI”.
The FCI Head Office must make sure that the CACIB was correctly awarded. Latest three months after the show, one copy of the catalogue and the lists of the dogs proposed for the CACIB and the Reserve CACIB must be forwarded to the FCI Head Office by the show organiser.
These lists must contain the following information:
Catalogue number, name of the dog, studbook and studbook number, sex, breed and variety, date of birth, name of the owner, name of the judge and class in which the CACIB was awarded.
The breeds will be listed according to their name in one of the four FCI working languages followed by the name normally used in the country in which the show takes place.
If a dog is not included in the CACIB list (if for example the organisers failed to mention it), the proposal card can be accepted as proof provided that no other dog of the same breed and sex already appears on the list.


The title “World Winner” and “Section Winner” shall be awarded to the dog and the bitch that are proposed for the CACIB (see section 7 “Titles, awards and main ring competitions” of the FCI Show Regulations). The awarding of this title is irrespective of the entry for this particular breed. In case of breeds provisionally recognized by the FCI, World and Section Winner titles
will be awarded to best male and best female from the intermediate, open, working and champion class. These breeds are not eligible for CACIB.
The title “World Junior Winner” or “Section Junior Winner” shall be awarded to the best junior dog and bitch provided that they have received the qualification “EXCELLENT 1”. The title “World Veteran Winner” or “Section Veteran Winner” shall be awarded to the best veteran dog and bitch provided that they have received the qualification “EXCELLENT 1”.
The Junior and the Veteran winner titles are awarded according to the FCI CACIB distribution list.
The dog and the bitch proposed for the CACIB, the best junior dog and bitch, and the best veteran dog and bitch which have received the qualification “EXCELLENT 1” in the Junior and Veteran classes compete for the titles Best of Breed (BOB) and Best of Opposite Sex (BOS).
One judge, who must be named in advance, awards the above titles as well as the Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex (BOS).
All dogs must be judged according to the Regulations for FCI Dog Shows. A judge’s report is optional. Reports should be written in the native language of the organising country or in one of the four FCI working languages chosen by the judge. The organiser decides on the type of report and is held responsible for its translation. The organiser must announce in the show
schedule whether or not the exhibitors will receive a written report.
For World and Section Shows, the division into groups according to the current FCI Breed Nomenclature is absolutely compulsory. The individual groups are to be judged completely on the same day.
A competition for a “Winner of the day” cannot be held. It is compulsory for all Group Winners to compete on the last day of the show for “Best in Show”.
During each World and Section Dog Show, the organiser should also hold a World and Section Obedience competition and a World and Section Junior Handling competition.


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